Active efforts against corruption and money laundering

At Topdanmark, we work proactively to protect our customers, our company and society in general against corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities.

At Topdanmark, we work proactively to protect our customers, our company and society in general against corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal activities.

Anti-corruption and bribery

Topdanmark wants to be part of a professional, decent and trustworthy business environment. Therefore, we do not accept corruption or bribery from our employees in the contact with customers, suppliers or other business partners.

Our assessment is that the biggest risk of corruption and bribery is related to presents and events relating to customers, suppliers and other business partners. However, we also assess the risk to be generally low.

Clear guidelines for the employees

We trust that our employees use their common sense and judgement in their contact with customers, suppliers and other business partners. This also relates to presents and events.

To support this, we have formulated a policy and a set of guidelines on how the Group’s employees are to receive and donate presents, as well as how they can organise and participate in events. The objective of the policy is to prevent and avoid that business decisions can be affected by individual and/or non-business considerations and interests.

Low risk of money laundering

The world economy is affected by money that is illegally acquired and used for illegitimate purposes. Large amounts of money are laundered every year, posing a threat to the global economy and its security.  The financial service companies, such as non-life insurance companies, tend to be favoured channels through which illicit money is laundered.

The risk of money laundering and terrorist financing is generally low in Topdanmark.

Regular risk assessment

The assessment takes into account the risk factors that relate to customers, geographic areas, products, transactions and distribution channels. The risk assessment is reviewed regularly.

We have risk-based procedures for identification and verification. In addition, we have KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures and enhanced due diligence for those customers representing a higher risk, and identification of beneficial owners.

All customers are categorised in accordance with their risk potential regarding money laundering and terrorist financing. We also have a process for identification of politically exposed persons as well as internal procedures for observing suspicious transactions and activities to ensure that the procedures are complied with in practice.

Reporting of suspicious transactions

In accordance with the Danish Anti-Money Laundry Regulation, we have processes for notifying the Danish authorities in the event of suspicious transactions that cannot be rebutted.  Topdanmark’s Compliance department controls and assess whether our procedures are efficient and whether the notification of authorities is sufficient.


Marie-Louise Krogh Bisgaard
Head of Sustainability
mobile 30 65 53 76
Marie Uldall Thomsen
Sustainability Consultant